Blogger and Word Are Not as Compatible as I Thought
This is just a short post to both share some new information I found.
EDIT AS OF 9/30 3:38 PM: I went through various trial and errors trying to get the linked articles’ advice to work, but I wasn’t successful. I eventually asked my professor for help and he linked me to this article which you should probably use if you are having similar problems with footnotes that I was. I am tempted to just delete this post but I figured it’s good evidence of working through a technological issue.
My professor had mentioned that he thought I did a good job explaining my thought process while using Turtle Blocks and wanted my permission to share the post. I was totally fine with that,1 but I realized that it was probably a pain for my professor, as well as anyone else reading, to have to scroll up and down if they wanted to read the notes I littered throughout the post. I had no idea how to link a note in the body of the post to the bottom of that same post where the substance of the note resided. Not knowing something has never deterred me before and it didn’t today so I went in search of a quick how-to article. After a bit of finagling with my search terms I found this article which details how to get the end/footnotes that you wrote in Word to work properly in your Blogger post. I couldn’t properly implement this trick because the author quoted only part of the HTML code Blogger uses for linking notes. Luckily, the author linked this article at the top of their post which explained why we shouldn’t simply copy and paste our articles from Word into Blogger.
While it was written in 2014, the formatting issues discussed were ones I experienced as well, which suggests that the other issues the article describes also occurred with my posts, I just didn’t know about it. If the feed for my blog hasn’t been properly notifying you when I post this might be why! Plus, if anyone else is using Blogger, my classmate Lindsey perhaps. . ., these articles could be a helpful resource.
P.S. Hold up, I just saved this as a Web Page filtered HTML which is what the article I linked to suggested I do, but my footnote disappeared! Maybe this only works for endnotes? Hmm, let me try doing that instead. Ok, so apparently there’s a “Web Layout” view of the document and a “Print” view of the document. The former doesn’t show the footnote while the latter does. Once I took it out of the footnote section, I could see the note in the “Web Layout” view.
P.P.S. It didn’t link the notes when I published it. I think I’m doing something incorrectly. I’m going to try something else.
P.P.P.S My other way did not work either (I tried copying the HTML file for my document onto the HTML view of the Blogger post but it showed a blank view when I previewed it so that was a no-go). I contacted my teacher and he directed me to this article which is much more detailed and appears to be immensely more helpful.
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